Excellence Without Excuses
Central Elementary
A National Blue Ribbon School

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve put together a list of frequently asked questions by parents of Central Elementary School. For more information, please refer to our student handbook; we encourage you to review it with your child often. 

What is the protocol if I must pick up my child early from school?

If you need to make arrangements to pick up your child from school before classes are dismissed at 3:20 p.m., please contact the office. We expect our students to attend the full day of classes each day, but if you must pick up your child, please avoid scheduling a pickup time between 3:10 and 3:20 p.m. This will allow us to keep dismissal organized, orderly, and safe.

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When is it acceptable to excuse my child’s absence?

We ask that you notify the school any time your child must miss a day of school. If your child has a personal illness, a professional appointment, or a serious personal and/or family problem, we suggest that you let us know that your child won’t make it to school that day. Please call the school on or before the day your child must miss school.

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As a parent, how can I best help my child succeed?

At Central Elementary School, we believe that parents play a key role in a child’s educational success. We’ve compiled a few things to help your child have a successful year:

  1. Make sure your child gets plenty of rest - children need anywhere from 10-12 hours of sleep each night.
  2. Good grooming - help your child get regular baths and clean clothes. This will help him to feel good about himself and give him confidence with others.
  3. Encourage your child to read - reading time should be equally balanced with play, TV, and chores.
  4. Encourage participation in group activities such as scouting, church youth programs, sports, etc.

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Can my child have a cell phone with him/her at school?

We’re sorry, no. Your child should not bring expensive electronic equipment such as iPods, games, and cell phones to school. If you would like your child to have a cell phone for use on the way home from school, you must leave the phone in the office at the beginning of the school day. Your child can pick up the phone from the office on his/her way home. We will collect devices from students who choose to violate this policy, and a parent of the student must pick up the device personally. Thanks for adhering to this policy.

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Is there a dress code at Central Elementary School?

We ask all students of Central Elementary School to adhere to the dress code for Artesia Public Schools. Please refer to the student handbook for the complete dress code. Here are a few important things to remember when dressing your child for school.

  • Your child must wear shoes at all times. Please send your child to school in shoes that are appropriate for the daily activities.
  • For girls, the hemline for dresses and skirts should reach the length to reach mid-thigh or longer.
  • Please do not send your child to school in sagging clothing, cutoffs, biker shorts, or spandex shorts.
  • We don’t allow any tank tops, bare midriff tops, see-through clothing, or off-the-shoulder tops. Please make sure your child is dressed modestly for school.
  • Please don’t send your child to school in clothing that could be considered indecent or distracting to other students; this includes inappropriate wording or pictures. See the Student Handbook for a more complete list of inappropriate symbols and affiliations.
  • Students should not wear spandex clothing as outer clothing.
  • Students of Central Elementary may not wear a nose ring, spiked jewelry, or studs.

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    What supplies should my child have for school each day?

    A detailed school supplies list is located in the Quick Links on the Home page. You may also get a list of supplies from the secretary.

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    Are there any school rules that I should be aware of?

    Yes, our school adheres to this respect motto: “I respect myself, others, and my school in everything I say and everything I do.”

    On the playground we demonstrate respect by:

    1. Leaving rocks on the ground
    2. Keeping our hands and our feet to ourselves
    3. Asking permission to leave the playground
    4. Using equipment correctly
    5. Using only appropriate language

    In the cafeteria we demonstrate respect by:

    1. Using good manners
    2. Using a quiet voice

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    What are the pick-up procedures?

    • School dismisses at 3:20 p.m. Students will be out front with their teacher and class.
    • If you would like us to put your student in your car, line up on 6th Street in front of the school. The line will wrap around Missouri St. if necessary.
    • We have two staff members that will help load your student(s)
    • You can also park and walk up to your student’s teacher and get your student.
    • Due to safety concerns, students will not be sent across the street without an adult escorting them.
    • Please use crosswalks when walking to your vehicles.
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